Media Contact:
Kathleen Dutton
+1 847-233-5851
April 24th, 2017 – Miami, Florida – Kellstrom Materials – a supply chain
partner to the world’s largest air transport providers and MROs – has
announced that it is changing its corporate trade name and logo mark to
Kellstrom Aerospace.
Over the last two years, Kellstrom Materials has expanded its capabilities
and product offerings to further support its customer base as a full-service
provider to the commercial aftermarket. During this period of rapid growth,
Kellstrom Materials has added over 30 supplier relationships to its new parts
distribution product line, created OEM Service platforms, whole asset
trading and leasing offering, and added several technical service capabilities
for aircraft fleet managers.
Kellstrom Materials will begin operating under the new trade name,
Kellstrom Aerospace, effective as of April 24th, 2017. Kellstrom Aerospace
will officially be unveiled at the upcoming MRO Americas show in Orlando,
FL, April 25 – 27, 2017.
“I am excited to announce the new logo and branding to our customer base
and the industry. This change now represents to airlines, leasing companies
and MROs around the world that Kellstrom Aerospace represents full
service aftermarket solutions, from supporting new aircraft inductions to
end-of-life solutions,” said Jeff Lund, CEO, Kellstrom Aerospace.
The new logo mark was designed to reflect the Company’s position in the
marketplace and its overall aftermarket solutions, and will be implemented
across the company’s product and services throughout the calendar year
While the trade name and logo will be changing to better represent the future
of the company, Kellstrom Aerospace’s mission remains the same: to
continuously provide commercial operators and MROs an unrivaled suite of
cost-effective supply chain management solutions
About Kellstrom Aerospace:
Kellstrom Aerospace is one of the largest supply chain partners to leading
OEMs, airlines, leasing companies, financial institutions, air transport
operators and MRO’s worldwide. Differentiated by its operational heritage,
on-hand relevant inventory and parts management emphasis, Kellstrom
Aerospace provides instant access to one of the world’s largest and most
comprehensive inventories of new and pre-owned aircraft parts for engine
and airframe heavy maintenance, phase checks and line maintenance.
Kellstrom Aerospace offers an unparalleled level of cost-effective supply
chain solutions, including OEM parts distribution & OEM services, preowned parts distribution, commercial aftermarket parts provisioning and
sunset fleet services, technical services, consignment management, repair
management, overhauled rotable component programs, whole aircraft/engine
asset leasing & trading, and fleet provisioning programs based on real world
experience. Kellstrom Aerospace provides 24/7 AOG and JIT support
covering all service offerings. For more news and information on Kellstrom
Aerospace, please visit: